Two's Program

"Little Blossoms"


"An innovative, engaging, and interactions-based curriculum model for children ages birth through preschool." Provides children with skills for success in kindergarten and beyond.


Infant Program

"Baby Seedlings" ​​

The primary goal of Lil' Bloomers Daycare is to provide quality childcare in a safe, loving, and secure environment for children while they are away from home. 

Toddlers enter a whole new world when they take their first steps.  They begin walking, talking, and building relationships with each other.  Your toddler's life is full of exploration and discovery as they begin turning their ideas into words and start showing their independence.  Your child will enjoy lots of free choice play, participate in activities throughout the classroom, as well as observe and interact with other children.  The classroom is designed to encourage young children to use a variety of materials and imitation, planned play activities and numerous choices enable the toddler to become more independent. If weather and outdoor conditions permit, we will be outside twice a day.

Each child is special at Lil' Bloomers and will learn and develop at their own pace. Our loving teachers will guide each child through their developmental milestones. Children in the pre-kindergarten class will experience a combination of structure, independent play and small group activities through-out their day. The teachers will work on getting your child emotionally, socially, and cognitively ready for Kindergarten. Each week we have a 'theme' and the children will engage in science, math, history and reading readiness based on that theme. For Example, if the theme is " Polar Bear ". Children will learn about where Polar Bears live, their habitat and how snow and ice melt into water. We may use the " counting bears " at one of the stations ( for children to practice simple math problems ). The learning opportunities and fun are endless at Lil' Bloomers!

Infants are unique and have their own patterns for play, feeding and sleeping.  Lil' Bloomers uses these patterns as our guide to introduce daily activities that will stimulate your child's cognitive, emotional and physical development.  Our dedicated teachers and staff are committed to making this first transition away from home as easy as possible for both you and your child.  

Preschool Program "Busy Bees"

Your child will grow, ready to tackle any challenge! Lil' Bloomers Early Preschool Program is for children who are no longer toddlers, yet are still developing their language and motor skills. Our Early Preschool Program focuses on language interaction among children, as well as the development of independence .  They will engage in activities such as dramatic play, blocks, puzzles, storytelling, water and sand play and exploration with art and body movement.  Type your paragraph here.

Toddler Program

"Tiny Sprouts"